Happy New Year

Abuse and Neglect are key issues in health care settings and private homes. The NCCDP strongly believes in the power of education to combat abuse and neglect.

We need your help and assistance in forwarding this press release to people within your organization who provide in-services, training or distributes information. This is for NCCDP Alzheimer's and Dementia Staff Education Week Feb 14th to 21st. We are providing a Free tool kit, Free Power Point In-services on many topics, and nomination forms for Nurse Educator of the year. You do not need to be a member of the NCCDP to download this information. The free tool kit and free in-services are located at www.nccdp.org and is only available until March 1st 2011.

This a very important tool for Editors of your newsletter, CEU's development, Department Heads, Director of Nursing, Nurses, CNA's,Trainers and Educators, Administrators, Social Workers, Recreation Professionals, Rehab Professionals, Medical Directors & Physicans, Hospice Organizations, Retirement Organizations, Support Group Leaders, etc., who either are working in a Health Care Setting, Volunteer Organization, State Ombudsman, Volunteer Ombudsman, State Surveyors, Office on Aging, AAA, First Responders sector and University. Please feel free to add our link to your organizations web site.

Thank you for your assistance!

National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners “Don't just meet the minimum state regulations regarding dementia education...exceed them!” NCCDP

Sandra Stimson CALA ADC CDP CDCM
Executive Director
www.nccdp.org nationalccdp@aol.com
877 729 5191 Toll Free 973 896 1877 Direct Line
1-973-860-2244 Fax number

“Someday there will be a cure for Alzheimer's Disease. Until that day, continue with your dementia education. They deserve your best!” NCCDP