Hello Friends,
Please join us this Thursday afternoon for Care Connection, a FREE teleconference by the Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA), designed for both family caregivers and professional caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related illnesses. These teleconferences are a valuable mix of coaching, guest speakers, questions and answers--and sharing.
Topic: "Candy Bars in the Shower and other Tips and Tricks to manage Activities of Daily Living"
Guest: Carole Larkin, MAG, CMC, CDP, EICS, Geriatric Care Manager, ThirdAge Services, Dallas, TX
Thursday, December 9, 2010
1pm-2pm (Eastern)
Call toll free- 1-877-AFA-2992
When prompted to do so enter the guest identification number 271004#
This telephone support network offers caregivers support, education and connection to other caregivers and professionals. Special guest speakers and experts provide interesting and practical topics each month. Caregivers from anywhere in the U.S. can join up to 150 people who are on the line to learn, listen and participate. Participation is voluntary and you can partake to your own comfort level.
For more information about Care Connection as well as information about AFA's other programs and services, call 866-AFA-8484 or email info@alzfdn.org.