May 3 2008

Kaplan Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center and Vermilion Health Care Center of Nunez recently became the first nursing homes in the state of Louisiana to have their staffs' certified as Certified Dementia Practitioners (CDP) by the National Council for Dementia Practitioners.  The NCCDP instructors from New Jersey came to Louisiana as part of a state grant sponsored by the Louisiana Technical College.  Several 7 hour seminars were held for the purpose of educating the participants in Alzheimer's and Dementia Care.  The Council was formed to promote standards of excellence in dementia education to professionals and other caregivers who provide services to dementia clients.  The Certified Dementia Practitioner is the earned credential that recognizes the highest standard in Alzheimer's and Dementia education that has been achieved.  We are proud to announce that all 62 employees of the two nursing homes who attended the seminar received national certification. 
Alzheimer's and Dementia affects hundreds of thousands of people in our country.  It is such an honor to be part of bringing this much needed education to our state.  Congratulations to Barbara Hair and Paula Walters administrators for seeing this need and allowing us to sponsor the seminars.

Margaret Beard
Project Coordinator
Louisiana Technical College, Region 4