State and National Associations and Organizations hosting the NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Seminar at a state or national conferences

If you would like to book the NCCDP for your next conference or you are seeking CE approval for NCCDP certified members, please contact

exceeding customer's expectations

"One Trainer Impacts The Quality of Care Provided By Thousands Of Healthcare Professionals, Front Line Staff and Students Who Provide Care To Our Most Vulnerable Elderly"


April 21, 2020
NAAP Annual Conference
Reno, Nevada


Thursday October 17, 2019; 9am-12:15pm (8:30 Registration)
Non-Pharmacological Management of Behavioral Issues in Dementia
Mary Fridley, RN, BC presenting
Approved for SW, ALM, PT; pending approval for OT, CM, NHA


Thursday October 17, 2019; 1:30pm-4:45pm (1pm Registration)
Contemporary Ethics in Working with Personality Disorders and Seniors
Jennifer L. FitzPatrick MSW, LCSW-C, CSP presenting
Approved for SW, ALM; pending approval for CM, NHA, CDP, PT

View list of all past conferences/seminars NCCDP has presented

List of organizations sponsoring the ADDC Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care seminar and CADDCT Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Seminar


List of association and conferences that offer CEUS or contact hours for NCCDP certified members:

  • Jenerations Health Education
  • NAAP Conference April 21, 2020
  • Beacon Institute/Life Span  August 13 & 14, 2020
  • Indiana Health Care Association September 22, 2020