"We did the best we could with what we knew, when we knew better - we did better."
Maya Angelou

Each year the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners, LLC reaches out to media, health care industry publications, health care associations, government agencies, hospitals, psychiatric facilities, rehabilitation centers, hospice, and home care agencies, assisted living, universities, and technical schools and long term care settings to support Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Staff Education Week February 14th to the 21st to assist NCCDP in promoting comprehensive face to face dementia education by trained dementia CADDCT instructors and to promote continued and ongoing Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Education to all staff and to bring awareness of Certified Dementia Practitioner certifications for all health care professionals and front line staff in order to continue to provide compassionate care to our most vulnerable elders.

In downloading the complimentary in-services, I understand that I may download the staff in-services and the Tool Kit with the express understanding that these tools may only be used at your company for staff training. I understand that I may not change, modify, copy, or distribute this information in any format and the information provided in the staff in-services and tool kit is the intellectual property of the NCCDP. Copies may be made to distribute to your staff attending the in-service. The in-services and tool Kit or any portions of the tool kit may not be sold or distributed in any format. NCCDP does give permission to load the staff in-services to the company website for staff and families to utilize.

A huge Thank You to Alzheimer's Care Guide Magazine, NADONA, Merion Publications (Advance and Nurse), AHCA Corporation LTC and industry trade publications, management companies, consulting companies, national and state associations who assisted the NCCDP in getting the word out about the importance of the NCCDP Alzheimer's disease and Dementia Care Staff Education Week, NCCDP Certifications and NCCDP CADDCT Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer program.

The NCCDP acknowledges the following companies who downloaded the NCCDP Alzheimer’'s Disease and Dementia Car Staff Education Week in-services and Tool Kit and who recognize the  importance of investing in staff education and the impact ongoing education has on staff to provide compassionate care to our most vulnerable adults:

Life Care Centers of America
Golden Living
Sunrise Corporation


Note: beginning 2017, only NCCDP members were provided access to the tool kit and in-services. As such, NCCDP no longer tracks what corporations have downloaded the tool kit and in-services.



The newest component of the NCCDP is Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Staff Education Week Tool Kit. The Tool Kit is available at portal.nccdp.org. The Tool Kit and the declaration by the NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Education Week February 14th to the 21st were developed and implemented to bring awareness to the importance of staff educators being trained and certified in dementia care and to provide education by means of face to face interactive classroom environment and to provide comprehensive dementia education to all healthcare professionals and line staff.

Currently, there are no national standards for dementia education. The regulations are different from state to state. The NCCDP recommends at the minimum an initial 8 hours of dementia education to all staff. Throughout the year, additional dementia education should be provided that incorporates new advances, culture change, and innovative ideas.

In addition to facilitating the CADDCT programs, The NCCDP promotes dementia education and certification of all staff as Certified Dementia Practitioners® (CDP®). The NCCDP recognizes the importance of trained and educated dementia unit managers and certifying the Dementia Unit Manager as Certified Dementia Care Manager® (CDCM®). Front Line First Responders need comprehensive Dementia training and the NCCDP provides Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care training to First Responder educators and certification as Certified First Responder Dementia Trainer.

The tool kit includes:

  • Free PowerPoint / Over Head In-services for Health Care Staff, Tests and Answers, Seminar Evaluation and Seminar Certificates
  • 97 Ideas To Recognize Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Staff Education Week
  • 20 Reasons Why You Should Provide Comprehensive Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Training to Your Staff by A Live Instructor
  • Dementia Word Search Games & Interactive Exercises
  • Movies and Books About Alzheimer’s You Don’t Want To Miss
  • Proclamation & Sample Agenda for Opening Ceremony & Sample Letter to Editor
  • Contest Entry Forms- Staff Education week
  • Alzheimer’s Disease Bill of Rights & Alzheimer’s Patient Prayer
  • Nurse Educator / In-service Director of The Year Nomination Form
  • Corporate and Associate Membership Forms
  • Songs to Inspire You
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Sample Certificate
  • Alzheimer's Prayer


Each staff in-service is designed to be taught to your health care professionals and line staff in 30 minutes. Each in-service includes the Power Point (which you can copy as overheads), hand out, pre-test, post-test, answers, and information about the author or company who produced each in-service. You will need to download each in-service separately and save it to your computer. The tool kit contains the certificate sample for you to modify and provide to the staff.

The staff in-services listed on this page do not take the place of the live NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Seminar ( 7 hours) required for those pursuing CDP® Certified Dementia Practitioner® Certification.

The in-services may be used to renew your CDP® renewal with the NCCDP, PROVIDED that the trainer or educator provides the student with a certificate as proof you were in the class. The trainer or educator providing the in-service listed on this page do not need to be an approved NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Certified Trainer.

Each year the NCCDP adds new topics. The titles will not be made available until November 1st.


  • Disaster Preparedness for Home Care Agency and Hospice Agency Staff
  • The Spaced Retrieval Technique: Teaching New Information to Persons with Memory Loss By Dr. Cameron Camp, Center for Applied Research In Dementia
  • Person-Centered Care
  • Subjective Cognitive Decline SCD and Subjective Cognitive Impairment SCI
  • Dealing With Difficult Patients
  • Oral Health for Dementia Care
  • Revitalizing Your Support Group
  • Successful Engagement  & The Art of Quilting A Conversation for the Activity Professional and Recreation Therapist
  • Engaging Through Color, Adapted From - The Dementia Concept
  • Protecting Residents From Financial Exploitation
  • Developing Self Esteem & Wellness Programs for the Older Adult
  • The Benefits of Music and Reminiscing for Senior Living Residents
  • Safety Throughout Your Life
  • Inclusive Services for LGBT Older Adults - A Practical Guide To Creating Welcoming Agencies
  • Reversible Dementia’s
  • Medications and Older Adult Abuse and Neglect
  • Hydration and the Dementia Patient
  • Older Person with Dementia and Sight Loss
  • Delirium and Older Adults With Dementia
  • Geriatric Anxiety- Recognizing, Diagnosing, and Treatment
  • Dementia and Noise Providing a Soothing Quiet Environment
  • Dementia Pugilistica, now called Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)
  • The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program: History, Role, and Responsibilities
  • Improving Dementia Care –Reducing Unnecessary Antipsychotic Medications
  • Lewy body dementia: When it isn’t Alzheimer’s
  • Senior Bullying Across the Ages: Senior’s Bullying Other Seniors
  • Travel Guidelines for People with Dementia
  • Preventing Resident to Resident Altercations / Aggression / Abuse in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living
  • Seven User-Friendly Therapeutic Music Activities for the Musician and Non-musician With Applications for Dementia Clients
  • Sexual Violence in Later Life
  • Broken Trust: Older Adults, Family, and Finances. Financial Older Adult Abuse Prevention
  • Time for Tellin’ Tall Tales Y’all! Using story to reach and know each other - Time Slip
  • Dos and don'ts for gardens for dementia residents
  • The Importance of Brain Games to Improve Cognitive Function
  • Crisis Intervention and Building Resiliency for your staff
  • Understanding Frontotemporal Degeneration
  • Fall into Fall - Fall prevention in-service for Dementia clients
  • Sexuality and Intimacy: A Guide for Dementia Patients in Long Term Care Settings and Home Care
  • Project Life Saver - (Elopement What You Need To Know)
  • Understanding Pseudobulbar Affect PBA - Involuntary Outbursts of Crying and Laughing
  • Your caregiver personality: Why it’s a very important caregiving skill
  • Brain Fog...Is a Legit Diagnosis!
  • Life Review: Practice Techniques For Clients & Caregivers
  • Spiritual Care When Dementia Is Present: Holding Fast to the Memory of God
  • Benefits of Daily Outside Walks & Dementia Gardens for Person’s with Dementia
  • Tips for Dealing With Stress and the Holidays
  • What’s wrong with Care Plans, and how to get it right!
  • Risk Management - “Improving  Quality”
  • Non-pharmacological Approach to the Alzheimer's disease patient
  • Environmental Design in Managing Behavior in Assisted Living
  • Communicating successfully with Alzheimer’s Older Adults
  • THIS IS NOT ALZHEIMER’S: An Overview of Vascular Dementia, Lewy Body Dementia, & Frontotemporal Dementia
  • The Rehab Professional's Role in Dining for Person's with Dementia
  • Take Precautions for Facility Outing?
  • Senior Housing, Can residents stay home with Early Dementia?
  • Alzheimer's and Dementia Activities: Make Them Meaningful
  • Developing effective activities programs for older adults with dementia
  • Caring for the Caregiver
  • Medications in Dementia Patients
  • Keeping your Institution Safe, How To Deal with Alzheimer’s/Dementia Residents In A Crisis or Terrorist Act
  • INFANTILIZATION - Recognizing and Stopping It


Compassionate Care Dementia Tote Bag

Compassionate Care Dementia Tote Bag

Alzheimer's and Dementia

Alzheimer's and Dementia
Staff Education Mug



Question: What is the best way to reach someone for help?

Answer: We recommend you complete the "contact us" form. We respond quickly to emails where a phone call there may be up to a 24 hour wait time due to the enormous amount of traffic and calls from November through March. Our toll-free number within the United States is 877 729 5191. Outside of the USA, our phone number is 973 729 5191 located in New Jersey USA.

Question: Do you have information or a press release that I can forward to others to let them know about NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Staff Education Week?

Answer: Yes. Please click here for the press release to download. You are welcome to forward or post in a company newsletter, company web site, Blog, Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, etc., Thank you for forwarding this very important event.

Question: Can anyone have access to the NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Staff Education Week Tool kit and In-services or do I have to be a member?

Answer: It is open to members only. A member is a person who is either certified through NCCDP or has an Associate or Corporate membership.

To join the NCCDP please either complete the associate or corporate membership forms or apply for CDP® certification, CDCM® certification, Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer® CADDCT or CFRDT® Certified First Responder Dementia Trainer.

Question: Can I use these in-services to apply for CDP certification?

Answer: No. You need to complete the NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Seminar by an approved trainer. Please visit the home page and click on seminars for a list of seminars conducted across America and in many countries.

Where do I download the nomination forms for Educator Of The Year?

Answer: The nomination forms are located in the tool kit.  You may also download it here. The nomination is due no later than March 15th.

Question: I do not have access to the tool kit or power points. It is asking for a login and password? What is that?

Answer: You need to be a member of NCCDP.  Use your certification number and email address to access the tool kits

Question: Can you mail me the Powerpoint and tool kits.

Answer: No. It is only available for download.

Question: How long do I have to download the tool kit and power points?

Answer: November 1st to March 15th.

Question: Can I download and send it to my other facilities or offices?

Answer: We ask that you please not do this.

Question: Can I sell the staff in-services?

Answer: No. The staff in-services (Powerpoint, hand out, tests, and answers) are copyright protected. They can only be used for in-service training in a long term care setting, hospital, rehab setting, home care agency, support groups, government or non-profit associations for staff, volunteer, or family training. They can not be used where someone has paid to come to a seminar or conference. They can not be used for Webinar or online training. The copies can not be mass distributed or emailed to others.

Question: Can I reproduce the staff in-service materials?

Answer: Yes, but only if used for a staff in-service or employee training, volunteer, or family training. The staff in-services (PowerPoint, handout, tests, and answers) are copyright protected. They can only be used for in-service training in a long-term care setting, home care agency, support groups, hospital, rehab, adult daycare, government, or non-profit associations for training.

You may present the complimentary staff In services downloads via the internet or online training or via live online training. We recommend that you take the two-day training class on the proper way to conduct an online training seminar and obtain certification as a COTP Certified Online Training Professional with https://www.iccotp.com/. NCCDP members are offered a 50 percent discount. Contact ICCOTP for the discount code exclusively for NCCDP members only.

Question: What software programs do you use for the documents?

Answer: The in-services are PowerPoint. The handouts are in Microsoft Word or PDF format.

Question: Where are the handouts, pretest, post-tests, and answers?

Answer: Most of the in-services have handouts, pretest, post-test, and answers. You would download those at the time you download the PowerPoint in-service.

Question: Can I download previous in-services from the last several years?

Answer: Yes. All are available and we add new topics every year.

Question: Can I use the in-service towards my 10 CEU's for CDP renewal?

Answer: Yes, but only if your trainer provides you a certificate that states the name of the topic, date of class and length of presentation, your name on the certificate, trainers name on the certificate, and location of the class.

Question: Does the trainer have to be an NCCDP Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer CADDCT to offer these in-services.

Answer: No. Anyone can use the materials and offer in-service training to staff, families, or volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer CADDCT please see our home page and click on Instructor / Trainer.

Question: I notice you sometimes use articles from publications for the handouts. Do you have permission from the author to provide this article to the public?

Answer: Yes. NCCDP has written approval from the authors or publishers to use the articles and documents located with the staff in-services. You have permission to copy everything in the staff in-service for staff, volunteer, or family training ONLY. You can not charge for the seminar or charge for the handouts.

Question: Do you provide evaluations and certificates for the in-service?

Answer: Yes. We provide in the tool kit a sample certificate and sample evaluation. These documents are not locked so that you may modify them to fit your needs.

Question: I am unable to download the staff in-services?

Answer: Almost all Internet browsers have a security feature to help prevent the unintentional download of malicious viruses and spyware.  All of our files have been checked with virus checkers and is free of viruses. You may need to reduce the security setting on your browser.

Question: I lost my certification number?

Answer: Go to  https://portal.nccdp.org/members-only/forgot-certification.php to access the members-only section and the tool kit.

Question: My email address is not recognized when entering the members-only section and the tool kits.

Answer: Please contact NCCDP if you don't remember what email address your account was created.

Question: Do I need PowerPoint Software to open and read the in-service.

Answer: No. All presentations are in PDF format.  As such you will need a PDF program installed on your computer.

Question: I am using Safari, will I be able to download In-services?

Answer: Yes

Question: I am using our corporate network to access your site and I am unable to download the in-services.

Answer: You will need to check with your corporate IT staff person to see what they can do to help you access the NCCDP site as your system is blocking the ability to download.


Just wanted to thank you for providing access to such fabulous educational programs. What a wonderful act to further the improvement of care to those with Dementia.


Dear NCCDP CEO Sandra Stimson,

Congratulations on being an industry leader in providing education tools in preparation for Alzheimer's and Dementia Care Staff Education Week Feb. 14 to 21, 2010. Last year your tool kit covered education for beginners, caregivers, and support groups. NCCDP has done all the work for those who provide education including PowerPoint in-services, information sheets, and disease-specific information and resources. Thank you for raising the standards of care by providing quality education.

Sandra Burrows, ACC, CDP®, MSS
Director of Quality of Life Golden Living



I just had a chance to get on the NCCDP website and check out the workshops. They are outstanding! I look forward to offering them in my area.   NCCDP does a wonderful job keeping me abreast with what is going on in the field of dementia research and intervention techniques. Your services have proven invaluable to me. Thank you. Keep up the great work!

Denise Scruggs, Director
Beard Center on Aging at Lynchburg College


"With our increased training requirements out here, it's really hard to keep coming up with original material. Many of the aides work in more than one facility, and I hate having them bored to death with the same old stuff. You have some interesting topics in here."
Mary Hart
J-Sei Home


I want to thank NCCDP for developing the wide array of free staff training in-service materials that are available for team members working with residents with Alzheimer’s or Related Disorders. Working with individuals with Alzheimer’s in a care setting requires specialized knowledge, training, and skills. With this toolkit and in-service documents facilities are provided an opportunity to utilize quality materials to ensure greater competency in team members, and to enhance quality care and quality of life for residents receiving care. The materials are ready to use and provide all necessary tools for staff development professionals, professional nurses, etc. Thank you for your time in development of these resources and I look forward to continuing to download this toolkit and in-services as they become available; I appreciate your dedication to quality dementia care. Cameo Rogers, CTRS, CDP®, CDCM®, Life Enrichment CoordinatorVetter Health Services


I am a co-chair of the Dementia Committee at the Hudson Valley VA and I also participate in our regional Dementia Workgroup.  We are very impressed by the training materials that you have graciously made available for free on your site for staff education week.  Like all organizations, the VA training budget has been sharply curtailed and our staff needs the information in your presentations. We have the technical ability to upload the presentation to our clinical resources page on our intranet, accessible to our staff only, and would like to ask your permission to do so.   We have been trying to identify a cost-effective, high-quality training program for our employees and are hopeful that this may be part of our answer. Thank you, Emily J. Feiner, LCSW-R, New City/Goshen CBOC Social Worker