"One person becoming a NCCDP Certified Alzheimer's Disease Dementia Care Trainer will impact thousands of health care professionals and front line staff through live dementia education which has a direct impact in the quality of care the staff provide to our elderly.”
NCCDP Sandra Stimson CEO
"We did the best we could with what we knew, when we knew better - we did better."
Maya Angelou
APPLY FOR CADDCT Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer
Nurse Educators, In-service Directors and Educators play a huge role and perhaps the most important component in insuring our front line staff, health care professionals and community are prepared, educated and trained to care for America's aged with a diagnosis of Dementia and or Alzheimer's disease. It is vitally important that the educators have the most current and comprehensive information to present at the training sessions.
To register and apply for the upcoming Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer seminar please download the Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer Pre registration Form.
Many of the questions you have for this certification and seminar are answered on the form.
Where Can I Find the Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer Seminars and Dates?
If you do not see a location listed, please contact the NCCDP to see when the next seminar will be offered.
Corporate Training's
The NCCDP can bring the CADDCT, NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Seminars and CDCM Certified Dementia Care Manager (Dementia Unit Manager) to your corporate training site. This is a cost effective way to provide training to multiple trainers. The NCCDP can work with you to provide a cost effective program to fit your budget. Providing the training program at your corporate training site cuts down on employee travel time and saves the company money. Please contact us for information and rates for Corporate Training's.
View our Testimonial page to see what other Trainers are saying
"The organization and delivery of material was outstanding, well worth , more than I had anticipated. Information was direct and applicable. I would repeat this. Excellent materials to share with staff. What a "WOW" experience. I enjoyed the day. I learned lots of new material today."
Marsha Cunningham LNHA CDP CDCM Vice President of Long Term Care, Baptist Health Care
Seminar Information
As a CADDCT trainer you will be provided a state of the art and comprehensive ADDC Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care curriculum for health care professionals, front line staff, association staff, government agency staff such as surveyors, management companies, students enrolled in health care-related degree programs such as nursing, social workers, pharmacist, activity professionals, PT, OT, Speech Therapist, nursing assistants and other important professions serving the older person who already work in the health care industry, supporting industries, or other workforce that serves the health care industry.
The ADDC curriculum is the required seminar for those interested in pursuing CDP Certified Dementia Practitioner certification and who qualify for CDP certification. Not everyone will qualify for the CDP certification but all professions can benefit from the comprehensive curriculum. The ADDC curriculum is recognized by CMS and is listed on the CMS Crosswalk page. The ADDC curriculum is CEU approved for nurses in most states by the CEU Network.
You are permitted to present the ADDC curriculum where you are employed or you may elect to book private seminars and charge for your services when you are not at work. NCCDP will recommend what you charge based on industry standards. You do not work for the NCCDP.
Additionally, your name is listed on the CADDCT registry for potential customers to hire you to present to corporation employees or association attendees if you so choose to do so.
NCCDP offers a corporate group discounts when you are the presenter for the ADDC curriculum for corporations wishing to invest not only in the employee's dementia education but also the group (3 or more) CDP certification. You will be provided a corporate discount form in class. NCCDP also offers association a discount for the CDP application when the ADDC seminar is presented at a state or national conference. You will be provided an association discount from in class.
As a trainer you will need the following equipment; laptop with media player, projector or smart TV, extension cords, speaker when presenting to larger audiences of more than 10, cart and screen. NCCDP will provide you the link to order some of these materials.
All trainers will be asked to sign a license agreement. This deals with intellectual property rights for the ADDC curriculum and what you can do and not do when presenting the ADDC curriculum. This is explained in the CADDCT registration form.
All trainers are required to provide a student handout notebook that can only be ordered through the NCCDP web site. The NCCDP student handout notebook is copy right protected.
CADDCT Renewal is every two years and includes both the CADDCT and CDP certification. You will need 10 contact hours or 10 CEUs in any health care related topic. When you present the ADDC curriculum you may give your self a certificate of attendance which counts double.
NCCDP updates the ADDC curriculum every two years and you are required to purchase the curriculum if you are presenting the ADDC curriculum which may include new training video.
NCCDP does not allow any other materials when presenting the ADDC curriculum.
As a CADDCT trainer, you will be required to post all seminars on the NCCDP website calendar. Within 7 days of you presenting the ADDC seminar you will need to submit to NCCDP the sign in sheets, evaluations and a class certificate.
The CADDCT seminar includes: ADDC Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care PowerPoint curriculum on a memory stick, master student handout notebook, Instructor manual, NCCDP Aging and Intimacy video for Long-term Care and Home Care Staff ( sexuality video dealing with staff concerns) on memory stick, and textbooks (Diagnosis, Environment, Montessori Activities, Communication) pretest and posttest for students (NCCDP does not require the test but depending on which state you are presenting in, the state regulations may require it), sample brochure, sample class certificate, sample sign-in sheet, Information on database development, information on obtaining approval for CEU's, recommended fees to charge (when not at work), certifications as a CDP Certified Dementia Practitioner, certification as NCCDP Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer CADDCT.
CDCM seminar:
If taking the CDCM Class, Certified Dementia Care Manager, please fill out the CDCM application. CDCM is open to those who provide direct supervision for a locked dementia unit in assisted living or nursing home which NCCDP calls Memory Care Neighborhoods. This is a three-hour conference call using a service such as Zoom. A Memory Care Policy and Procedure manual is provided. The CADDCT class is a prerequisite.
Who qualified for the CADDCT class:
Please see the registration form for details.
Who should attend:
In-service directors, Educators (in learning institutions, CNA training schools, etc.,), Consultants, Department heads, DON’s, Activity Directors, CTRS, Memory Care Directors, Social Workers, Nurses, Rehab Staff, Clergy, Elder Care Attorneys, etc.,
Times of the CADDCT seminar:
7:30 A.M. to 7:30 P.M.
Application form for CADDCT Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer
To register, please download the CADDCT Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer Class pre-registration form and mail in with supporting documents via ground service or overnight service that requires a signature for proof of delivery.
The registration form lists, training dates, locations, pricing, and general information.
• CADDCT Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer Class Pre-Registration Form
How to become an authorized instructor.
To apply as a NCCDP approved instructor, the applicant must meet the following:
Please note, you DO NOT complete the NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Seminar prior to registration for CADDCT seminar.
During the Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer seminar, the Instructors are provided with all training materials to present a comprehensive Alzheimer's Disease and Care Dementia seminar that exceeds all state and national regulations for dementia education. Every state is different in the requirements and regulations for dementia education for staff working in long term care settings or home care. There are no national standards or federal regulations for nursing homes or assisted living regarding dementia education. It is up to each state to determine the requirements for dementia education for long term care settings or home care setting.
This is a very important aspect of the NCCDP in that we make it easy for the trainer. You are provided with NCCDP Alzheimer's dementia curriculum Power Point Curriculum on Memory Stick, over head copies, master hand out notebook, DVD, text books, tests, sample evaluations, sample sign in sheets, sample brochure.
Many educators, private consultants, retired in-service directors use this opportunity to present private NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care seminars all over the country. The NCCDP is here to help the trainer in many ways from developing data bases, marketing, learning objectives, contract development, brochure development, etc.
The approved trainer is not restricted to teach at the location they work and can teach this seminar in any state as often as is feasible for the trainer. It is the responsibility of each instructor to submit the curriculum for CEU approval through the different governing bodies granting ceus. We do provide during the CADDCT seminar recommendations on which governing bodies to apply for CEU's.
Instructors who are currently providing seminars and workshops in the area of Dementia / Alzheimer’s Disease will find an added bonus in offering the students (for those who qualify) the opportunity to obtain CDP certification once completing the NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care seminar (for those who qualify). Anyone can attend the NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care seminar but not everyone qualifies for CDP certification.
As an approved NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer CADDCT you are authorized to meet with Administrators and offer discounted corporate group rate for the employee CDP certification. Corporations are only offered the CDP group discount if using an approved NCCDP instructor.
The NCCDP CADDCT provides the nurse educators / educator the competitive edge because this NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care seminar leads to certification. Where many other instructors who are teaching dementia seminars are not approved by the NCCDP. Only applicants who are pursuing CDP certification can proceedif they completed an NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care seminar by an approved NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer CADDCT.
Once you have been approved to teach the Dementia Seminar, your name and name of company will be posted on the web site under the states you wish to be advertised for. Once approved, you will be provided a certification number which must be clearly posted on all of your certificates of attendance.
The certification number is good for two years. At the end of two years you will need to resubmit a Instructor and CDP renewal applications for another two years. You will complete the renewal forms two months prior to the expiration of your certification. You will receive a reminder card from the NCCDP two months prior to your expiration date. Your application must be in by the deadline. If you miss the deadline and do not contact us, we will assume you are no longer teaching the course and will remove your name and company name from the web site. You will need 10 ceus to renew as well as proof that you have taught this seminar at least one time per calendar year.
Upon completion of the NCCDP CADDCT, the student will have comprehensive training materials and certification as NCCDP Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer CADDCT and CDP Certified Dementia Practitioner certification.
If you wish to proceed, simply fill out the application listed on the top of this page and attach all required documents.
“Someday there will be a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease. Until that day, continue with your dementia education. They deserve your best!”
Sandra Stimson CEO NCCDP
Article: Trainee and Trainer Reactions to a Scripted Dementia Care
Training Program in Residential Care / Assisted Living Settings and Nursing Homes
by Susan Fletcher
Alzheimer's Care Today January 1 2010
Standardized, scripted training programs to educate staff members who work in long-term care (LTC) have the potential to be replicated across diverse settings because scripted material helps ensure that the program is delivered consistently and as intended by developers. While there are potential benefits to such standardization, little is known about trainee and trainer reactions to scripted training programs. This study, one of the Collaborative Studies of Long-Term Care, investigated trainee and trainer reactions to a scripted training program developed for staff members who care for residents with dementia in LTC settings. Specifically, we examined the extent to which the degree of adherence to the script (i.e., implementation fidelity) was related to (1) trainee satisfaction, (2) trainee rating of trainer knowledge, (3) trainer rating of program effectiveness and relevance, and (4) the trainer's perception of trainee interest. Results indicate that higher trainee satisfaction and higher trainee rating of trainer knowledge were significantly related to the amount of implementation fidelity. Trainer additions to the script were related to their own lower ratings of session effectiveness and perceived trainee interest. However, trainers had some unfavorable reactions to reading a script. These results suggest that adhering to a standardized training program may be received positively by trainees, although trainers may need to become more comfortable with such standardization